Transport Solutions
EbixCash Mobility Software India Ltd. an integral part of EbixCash, is a leading ‘Intelligent Transport Management System’ (ITMS) solution provider in India. We offer a specialized suite of products and technology solutions for Transport Industry including Public Transport Undertakings (PTUs) which support clients across India. Our major PTUs include Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC), Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC), Aurangabad Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (ASCDCL), Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Ltd (PMPML), Calcutta State Transport Corporation (CSTC) & West Bengal Transport Corporation (WBTC). We are also exclusive holders of Rate Contract for Association of State Road Transport Undertaking (ASRTU) which is a nationwide nodal body for all the PTUs across India.
Our expertise, due to the acquired domain knowledge and learnings from transport industry’s best practices and implementation methodology for ITMS projects, has prompted us to continuously enhance our products to deliver the most relevant & up to date solutions for our clients.
We have a comprehensive and robust suite of product offerings from a range of ITMS modules which are listed below:
Intelligent Transport Management Solution Stack (ITMS Integrated Offering)
Offerings under ITMS
- Electronic Ticketing Machine (ETM)
- Smart Card Validators
- Devices
- Cloud Based Hosting infrastructure
- Network & Security
- Connectivity
- Technical Manpower
- Electronic Ticketing System (ETS)
- Online Reservation System
- Public Online Reservation System (PORS)
- Smart Card Based Pass/E-Purse
- Mobile Ticketing
- Agent Ticketing
- Current Booking
- Revenue
- Convenience
- Control
- MIS, Analytics
- Decision Support System
ITMS product - Key differentiators
The commuter and the transport organisations are immensely benefitted due to the ITMS product implementation. The benefits for PTUs on day to day working are:
Transparency in revenue collection
Reduction in leakages
Better route planning and fleet utilization
Timely and faster revenue collection
Better and efficient cash management
Reduced total cost of ownership
Digitization of operations
Real time monitoring and information of key decision making
Data analysis
Smooth booking facility for the passenger
Ease of payment
Real time information
Anytime Anywhere Ticketing
ITMS Integrated Ticketing Solution

Complete Intelligent Transport Management System Solution
- Providing Electronic Ticket Issuing Machines (ETIM) with RFID facility
- Providing requisite infrastructure
- Providing requisite Software Application for functioning of ETIM that includes Back-end Software, ETIM internal Software & Interface Software
- Cloud Based Hosting
- Providing Manpower for Technical Services at Depots and other client locations
- Providing Local Area Network (LAN) & Wide Area Network (WAN) at depots, bus stations and other locations as per project requirement
- Providing hands on training to all the users for effective implementation and operation of the project
Electronic Ticket Issuing Machine (ETIM)
- Cloud based multilingual Ticketing Integrated Platform
- Duty Planning, Scheduling, Allocation, Handheld based ticket issuance, Smart Card Transactions, On-duty Expenses, On-Route Inspection, Revenue Collection, Reconciliation and Real Time Settlement
- OTA Firmware & Master Data Updates
- Android based Online EMV Handheld Devices
- Multi-Payment Platform (Debit/Credit Card, NFC, UPI, Wallet, QR code based)
- Paperless Ticketing and Smart Card Transactions (RuPay Cards)
Advance Ticket Booking System (ORS)
- Bus type
- Discount
- Segment Wise
- Seat
- Passenger
- Fare
- Loyalty points facility
- Schemes (Travel Points)
Public Online Reservation System (PORS)
- Anytime – Anywhere – Anyone
- Web based reservation portal for passengers with multi-payment facility (Debit/Credit card, Net-banking, UPI, Wallet, QR code based)
- Guest / Registered user login with alerts, trip progress, e-tickets via mail and SMS
- Loyalty points facility
- Artificial Intelligence based Search feature
- Multicity booking & Round Trip booking
- Full or partial ticket cancellation with auto refund as per policy
To get more details, please click here
Agent Ticketing

- A unique solution developed for Agents to book a current ticket for en-route passengers on peripheral locations
- A unique Phygital Prepaid Platform (PPP) for reversing the trend, by ensuring that commuters who are served by private operators under different modes are provided services on their routes of travel under State Transport Undertaking services
- Online duty allocation, handheld based ticket issuance, revenue collection, reconciliation and real time settlement
- Location based real time ticketing
All Government State Transport Units across India face passenger poaching by Private Transporters. To avoid the loss of revenue, we have come up with a unique idea of Agent ticketing to reverse the trend.
- Creation of Individual Agents / Franchisees at nodal points
- Mesh connectivity between agents on route
- Infrastructure via handhelds / POS hardware
- Prepaid platform for secure revenue
- Providing software for Ticketing and Analytics
- EbixCash Mobility Software India Ltd. has designed the platform where in the investment, risk & operational overheads for PTUs will be eliminated
Smart Card Ticketing
As part of digitization program, most of the PTUs are moving from cash to digitization aided by Smart Card options like Close Loop, Semi-Close Loop and Open-Loop as per requirement. Our Smart Card platform is explained below:

Smart Card: Issuance, Loading & Payment
As part of digitization program, most of the PTUs are moving from cash to digitization aided by Smart Card options like Close Loop, Semi-Close Loop and Open-Loop as per requirement. Our Smart card platform is explained below:

Smart card –Multiple Usage
Smart card can be used as pass and e-wallet by all commuters and their family members for Bus Tickets.

Mobile Ticketing
We have designed a unique Mobile App with IDTMS for contactless ticketing where a passenger can buy his own ticket using wallets or other modes of payment. Once on bus, passenger can validate the ticket on conductor's handheld remotely. The passenger, in doing a smooth ticket transaction, has to neither exchange cash nor touch the physical ticket issued by the conductor, and hence can follow the social distancing norms conveniently.
Today’s arena being mobile centric, EbixCash Mobility Software India Ltd. has solutions which help turn mobile into a transaction device – issuance of daily tickets and passes.

- Innovative passenger centric solution for current and advance ticketing solution including group tickets
- Use of Mobile Wallet as per customer need
- Promotes initiative of maximizing cashless transaction
- Digital ticket to customer - paperless transaction
- A Mobile App which would help commuter:
- To book a ticket
- Register a pass
- Top-up a pass
- GPS based tracking and ETA
- Enhancing revenue through customer ownership, promotion & advertisement
To get more details, please click here
Clients & Projects
Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)

E-Ticketing and ORS project on BOOT basis for Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
The Components covered are:
- E-ticketing system
- Supply of 38500 electronic ticketing machine
- Online ticketing system (OTS)
- Passenger online reservation system (PQRS)
- RFID smart card system (Issued 40 Lakh smart cards)
- Mobile Application
The Components covered are:
- 250 Depots
- 18500 Buses
- INR 22 Crore Daily Revenue
- 65 Lakh Daily passengers
Rajasthan State Road Transport ITMS Project (RSRTC)

Intelligent Transport Management System (ITMS) project for Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation
Components Covered
- E-ticketing system
- Online ticketing system (OTS)
- Passenger online reservation system (PQRS)
- RFID Smart Card Transactions
- Mobile Application
Impact Areas
- 56 Depots
- 4,000 Buses
- 8,50,000 Daily Passengers
- 18,00,000 Kms Per Day
Aurangabad Smart City Development Corporation Ltd (ASCDCL)

E-Ticketing Solution Project on BOOT basis for Aurangabad Smart City Development Corporation Limited
The components covered are:
- E-ticketing system
- Smart pass counter software
- DC/DR on Cloud hosted model
- Digital payments
Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML)

E-Ticketing Project & Automated Fare Collection System on BOOT basis for Pune Manager Parivahan Mahamandal Limited
Impact areas:
- Automated fare collection system for 2000 Buses
- Supply of 4030 numbers of Android based online EMV ETM’s
- NCMC/Smart card based ETIM integration
- DC/DR on Cloud hosted model
- Supply & maintenance of hardware (Desktop, Printers, Switch)
- Providing & managing connectivity at Data Center and Head Office
- Manpower deployment
Calcutta State Transport Corporation & West Bengal Transport Corporation

E- Ticketing Project & IDTMS on BOOT basis for Calcutta State Transport Corporation & West Bengal Transport Corporation.
Impact areas:
- Automated fare collection system for 1500 Buses
- Supply of 3056 numbers of Android based online EMV ETM’s.
- NCMC/Smart card based ETIM integration.
- DC/DR on Cloud hosted model
- Supply & maintenance of hardware (Desktop, Printers, Switches, UPS, etc)
- Providing & managing connectivity at Data Center and Head Office.
- Manpower deployment
Association of State Road Transport Undertaking (ASRTU)
Association of State Road Transport Undertaking (ASRTU) is the apex body constituting all the State Transport Undertakings (STU’s) and City Transport Undertakings (CTU).
Rate Contract has been issued by ASRTU to EbixCash. The Rate Contract primarily covers implementation of ITMS (Intelligent Transport Management System) including
- Electronic ticketing system (ETS)
- Online reservation system (ORS)
- Public online reservation system (PORS)
- Hosting of services in Data Center (DC) and Disaster Recovery (DR)
Optional Modules:
- RFID based smart card system
- Mobile ticketing system
- Agent ticketing system
To get more details, please click here

Offices in multiple countries
Singapore, London, Canada, US, Philippines, Indonesia, Dubai and India