Ebix SmartClass
Ebix Smartclass is an initiative of EbixCash. In the Indian education space it offers a holistic teaching-learning experience whereby we provide every possible instruction and assessment element required by the teacher in class. Be it animation, question bank, mind maps, worksheets, unique teaching ideas, real life applications of concepts, topic summaries, weblinks, diagram makers, simulations or teacher created resources, we integrate these elements as per requirement.
Ebix Smartclass enables a teacher to effectively and seamlessly engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate learners with a host of instruction and assessment materials made available to them through an easy to use interface.
Turnkey Solution includes: Hardware, Content, AMC & Manpower
Business Spread

Key Highlights
Focus Areas
- • One of the highest C-SAT in the country of 92%
- • High level of integration with clients
- • Strongest ground team & engineers who are available 24X7X365
- • Service request closure TAT of 0-7 days
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Content: One of the largest repository of high quality rich multi-media educational content that helps bring abstract concepts to life.
Comprehensive Content Coverage
Content Type
- Video Lessons
- Lab Experiments
- Diagram Makers
- Interactive Maps
- Teacher Presentations
- Simulations
- Content Map
- Topic Synopsis
- Worksheet
- Interactivities
- Textbook Solutions
- Numericals
- Case Studies
- Board Questions
- Sample Papers
- Home Assignments
- Objective Test
- Subjective Test
- Weblinks
- Teaching Ideas
- Assessment for
- Learning
- Real Life Applications
- Community Resources
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Elements of Class Transformation System
1. STEM – Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics

INDIA’S FIRST comprehensive and unique digital classroom solution to teach SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS STEM education is important because development and progress in any country strongly depends on the analytical and logical skills inherent in its workforce. As per recent studies, the future holds great promise but also has its own share of challenges. 65% of current 7 year old children will have to work at jobs that don’t even exist today. This is the reason that across the developed world, be it America, Japan, China or Korea, ample resources and efforts are being invested in STEM education. India needs to move in that direction too.
Hence, it is critical that school education keeps pace with the changing dynamics and requirements of the future. Smartstem from Ebix Smartclass empowers teachers and students with the right set of skills and technology, so that they can teach and learn these subjects with eagerness, ease and enthusiasm.
STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics, through an interdisciplinary and applied approach. STEM education emphasizes on a concept-driven approach that strengthens analytical knowledge, problem-solving abilities and helps students pursue excellence in different fields of these subjects.
SmartstemTM benefits
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Never before has there been such a compelling need for school students to acquire proficiency in English. It has become increasingly necessary, not only in the institutes of learning, but also in the global environment where it has assumed the proportion of a vital employability skill. To enable students to acquire the desired levels of proficiency in English, the tools for transacting them must be learner-centric. With English being the second language for most Indian students, this is possible with constant, consistent practice and with proper guidance. English Forever marries sound pedagogy with smart technology to bridge the need gap between learning requirements and resources available.
Key Benefits
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3. CTI Lab - Computational Thinking and Innovation

With 21st Century CTI labs, we’re designing an abstract yet creative process of problem solving amongst students which enhances their existing learning and broadens their module learning to make them future ready.
- Online Labs using the latest laptops and software
- Problem-solving with Computational Thinking
- Focus on 21st Century Skills
- Activity-based learning approach
- Students get an opportunity to innovate when they learn by doing tasks
- Coding without syntax from Grade 3
- Focus on teaching logic, not the syntax
- All open-source software; no need to purchase any license
In short, you can divide Computational Thinking into four steps
- Engage yourself in the problem.
- Discover the means of solving the problem.
- Assimilate the entire situation to the core.
- Create the solution and get stress-free.
To know more, click here

Offices in multiple countries
Singapore, London, Canada, US, Philippines, Indonesia, Dubai and India